Get connected to Action for ME services, support and resources by phone, email and online, plus peer-support and services local to you.
Getting the right information supports informed decision-making. If you’re newly diagnosed or looking for reliable information about ME, this is the section for you.
This section is for children and young people with ME aged up to 18. If you're a parent, please check out our "Support others" section
If you'd like to donate or fundraiser for us, or volunteer to support our work, you'll find what you need here. To get involved with our campaigns for change, please visit our "Research & campaigns" section.
Information, support and useful contacts for family carers, and professionals working with people affected by ME.
Find out how we work collaboratively to raise awareness of ME and its impact, improve services, and drive biomedical research.
February 2024 Update
Dragon's Den
Accelerating Research
Parliamentary Champions
Channel 4 Segment
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