Useful resources

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Resources for people with M.E. to share with health and social care professionals, teachers and educators, and MPs and policy-makers. Please let us know if you have found these useful, or have any feedback about how we can improve them. Thank you.

Key differences between 2007 and 2021 NICE guideline

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published its 2021 guideline for M.E. on 29 October for healthcare professionals in England and Wales. This document highlights key updates on suspecting and diagnosing M.E., pacing and energy management; and graded exercise therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy.

M.E./CFS: a guide for pharmacy teams

In response to the growing need for community pharmacists to take a greater role in the delivery of primary care for people with long-term conditions, Action for M.E. has launched an M.E. information resource for community pharmacy teams across the UK. This includes key information on pharmacological management of M.E., issues with polypharmacy and delivering pharmacy services to people with M.E.

M.E./CFS in children and young people

A lack of understanding about M.E. and its impact mean that some young people and their families still face considerable challenges in accessing appropriate care and support. This resource for Children and Families Social Workers aims to improve this situation by offering information and practical advice so they can better support their clients, and work more effectively with other health and care professionals.Updated October 2024.

Implementing the Care Act

This briefing sets out local authorities’ key responsibilities under the Care Act 2014 in relation to people with long-term, fluctuating conditions with care and support needs. It was produced collaboratively by Action for M.E., Arthritis Research UK, Crohn’s and Colitis UK, ME Association, MS Society, NAT (National AIDS Trust), National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society and Parkinson’s UK, and published in February 2016.

An employer's guide to M.E.

This resource is for managers and employers supporting anyone with mild to moderate M.E. and outlines the employment rights and support available for people with M.E., as well as providing advice on your legal responsibilities, reasonable adjustments, Access to Work, managing sickness absence and sick pay, and recruiting and supporting people with M.E.

Teachers: how can I help?

The best way to support your pupil with M.E. and their family is to be led by them and their individual circumstances. This resource for teachers and educational staff has been developed in collaboration with young people with M.E./CFS, offering guidance on advice and adjustments that can be incorporated in to your pupil’s educational programme.