Healthcare Services for ME
We offer Healthcare Services alongside our free Support Services.
Click on the menu for more information about each clinical service, including how to refer yourself and details of fees.
How we can support you
We offer individually tailored whole-person care. That means we seek to support you in whatever way is right for you as an individual physically, emotionally or spiritually. As well as listening and caring for the needs of the whole person, we offer encouragement and support to families and the immediate community of carers.
Our approach
Action for M.E. is committed to patient-led care, supported by robust biomedical evidence. We recognise that people with ME may have experienced stigma and disbelief about their health. We fully support research into the biological causes of the illness and are currently encouraging our patients to sign up for the DecodeME research study.
We support people to manage the physical symptoms of ME with medical advice and intervention, and physiotherapy. We also acknowledge that any long term illness can have psychological effects, and we, therefore, offer counselling, emotional support and spiritual direction for people who find that helpful.
This is the model of whole-person care which is fundamental to the activities of Action for ME.
ME has a wide spectrum of severity and symptoms, and there is no one size fits all.
What we do
At Action for ME, we understand how difficult it can be to find good clinical advice and support. We are working to ensure that everyone affected by ME/CFS has access to diagnosis, treatment and care. We offer:
We offer services for people aged 13 and above, in the UK. NB. Currently our chaplaincy services are only able to support adults (age 18 and above).
Our clinical team
Every member of our team has experience in journeying alongside those with ME, acknowledging that each person has individual needs and stories as they endeavour to manage their condition. Find our more about our clinical team.
Our support
We offer support in a variety of ways:
- consultations by phone, Skype, Zoom and email
- home visits (depending on location) CURRENTLY SUSPENDED
We can also offer support to your carers and family members affected by your illness.
“The doctor was empathetic, attentive at listening fully, and understood that I had to communicate on my mum’s behalf as she isn’t able to, and was very easy to talk to.”
As a charity, we charge fees only to cover our costs. We aim to keep our fees affordable, and help with up to 50% of fees may be available, depending on your circumstances. Click here for more information.
Cancellation charge – 24 hours’ notice of cancellation is requested. We reserve the right to charge 50% of the fee should less notice be given or the full fee if you fail to attend an appointment without notice. If you are in receipt of a bursary award, then a portion of this will be allocated to the cancellation charge.
Care Quality Commission
Following our merger with The ME Trust in February 2022, we offer healthcare services that were previously delivered by The ME Trust. These services were rated Outstanding when The ME Trust was inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You can read the full CQC report here.