Philanthropic support of Action for M.E. means you will be making possible vital services and support for those with M.E., and helping us reach ever closer to effective treatments, better understanding and ultimately a cure.
Your support will enable us to:
- fund innovative research projects to better understand the causes of M.E.
- support new projects to empower and support those with M.E., such as our SEE M.E. Employment project,
- continue and build on the vital lifeline of information offered by our Support and Welfare Advice programmes
- benefit over 250,00 people affected by M.E. across the UK.
What we promise
Without our supporters what we do simply wouldn't be possible. If you join us as a major supporter, we promise that:
- your gift will be used in accordance with your wishes, for the benefit of people affected by M.E.
- you receive regular updates on our work and the impact of your support
- you are invited to exclusive events to learn more about our work
- you have the opportunity to meet with our Chief Executive
- you are thanked and your support is recognised appropriately.
To discuss your interest in supporting Action for M.E. please contact our Philanthropy Manager Ondine Upton.