
DWP's treatment of ill & disabled people investigated

May 22, 2024

Britain’s human rights watchdog is formally investigating the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) over its treatment of chronically ill and disabled people. The inquiry will focus…


Update on the Delivery Plan for ME/CFS from the DHSC

May 10, 2024

Lee McGill (Department of Health & Social Care) joined the Research Working Group today to share an update on the Delivery Plan. We were pleased to hear there has been considerable…


"People with ME have been ignored for far too long"

May 10, 2024

Ahead of World ME Day 2024, Sir Sajid Javid MP has written an article in The Times, stating: "People with ME have been ignored for far too long."Sir Sajid also goes on to say: "Since…


ITV Granada follow up on specialist Isle of Man clinic

April 04, 2024

In tonight’s segment on ITV Granada, our CEO, Sonya Chowdhury, speaks to Joshua Stokes about the lack of specialist services for ME."We sent out a freedom of information request to…


Hammers Heroes National Three Peaks charity challenge

April 04, 2024

On Saturday 11 May, and finishing on World ME Day, a courageous team of Hammers will be attempting to conquer the National Three Peaks Challenge whilst also attempting to raise a collective…


M.E. in Parliament - John McDonnell MP

March 28, 2024

We were delighted to see John McDonnell MP presenting himself as an Action for M.E. Parliamentary Champion in a Westminster Hall debate on Tuesday 26 March.In support of a motion raised…


Nursing Times on ME/CFS service provision in Scotland

March 06, 2024

The Nursing Times describe the “dire” state of ME/CFS services in Scotland, following the death of specialist nurse, Keith Anderson. The article discusses the lack of specialist…


Action for M.E. in the news

August 25, 2021

In the three weeks since our press briefing to journalists, we’ve received an unprecedented amount of coverage from all kinds of news outlets. Our intention from the briefing was to…


Dr David Strain on M.E. & long term impact of Long Covid

July 09, 2021

With Covid-19 restrictions lifting later this month, our medical advisor Dr. David Strain warns about the long-term threat Long Covid poses to young people - drawing comparations with…


Letter to Sunday Times: Harmful Long Covid article

June 16, 2021

We were disappointed to read the unsubstantiated and harmful opinions of psychiatrist Jeremy Devine in The Sunday Times on 13/06/2021. We’re glad other experts disagreed with his views…


NICE guideline delayed until August 2021

March 30, 2021

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) emailed stakeholders yesterday to let us know there will be a delay in the publication of its new guideline for diagnosing…


National Day of Reflection

March 23, 2021

While lockdown may be ending soon for many across the country, thousands of people with M.E. have been in lockdown for decades and will continue to live a life in lockdown even when…


Today is Young Carers Action Day

March 16, 2021

This annual event, organised by Carers Trust, has taken place over the past six years to raise awareness of young carers and the contribution they make to their families and local communities.…


Herald article warns of M.E. risks

March 09, 2021

An article in the Herald Scotland has warned of the risk of a ‘tidal wave of post-pandemic M.E’. The piece highlights how previous mistakes made with M.E. are now being repeated…


​Action for M.E. comment on Government Budget

March 03, 2021

Today, the Chancellor will be unveiling his Spring Budget, with the UK Government set to announce a 6-month extension to the £20 uplift to Universal Credit.  This is welcome news. However,…


Clare talks M.E. on BBC Radio Tees

February 24, 2021

This morning, our Services and Communications Team Leader, Clare Ogden, appeared in place of CEO Sonya Chowdhury on the Neil Green show on BBC Radio Tees to discuss M.E. and the lack…


Sonya interviewed on BBC Radio Tees

February 23, 2021

Last week, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus called for Long Covid to be recognised as an occupational disease for frontline health and care workers."The long-term consequences…


Guardian article on Covid priority groups

February 15, 2021

“Sonya Chowdhury, the chief executive of Action for ME, said she was shocked that the condition (M.E./CFS) had been left out of category 6… Even mild viruses can cause flare-ups and…


Guardian column on M.E. and Long Covid

January 22, 2021

“If one good thing emerges from this pandemic, it could be more recognition and funding for people with ME/CFS.” Columnist George Monbiot wrote a piece in the Guardian yesterday about…


Watch 'Demystifying ME/CFS' webinar

January 19, 2021

Last week, on Thursday 14 January, Dr Charles Shepherd from the ME Association, Dr Nina Muirhead, and Caroline Kingdon from the UK ME/CFS Biobank each gave presentations at the ‘Demystifying…


Bath Half Marathon 2021

January 18, 2021

This year’s Bath Half Marathon is taking place on Sunday 5 September, with half the number of participants to adhere to social distancing measures. We're calling for people to run…


M.E. referenced in House of Commons Long Covid debate

January 15, 2021

A Long Covid debate was held yesterday in the House of Commons during which MPs highlighted M.E. and called for lessons to be learned from the illness when treating Long Covid patients.…


'This is ME': a short film on Spoon Theory

January 11, 2021

“Back in 2019 when still in a bad flare up of M.E. I made a short film hoping to shed some light on our experiences with invisible illnesses and in particular the way in which our family/friends…


CEO Sonya talks M.E. on BBC Radio Bristol

November 19, 2020

Our CEO Sonya Chowdhury appeared on BBC Radio Bristol’s mid-morning show with John Darvall on Thursday 19 Nov. On the show, Sonya discussed the draft NICE guideline for M.E. that was…


Key information following lockdown announcement

November 02, 2020

Following Saturday’s announcement that England is set to go into a second lockdown from Thurs 5 November until Wed 2 December, it’s understandable that you may have a range of concerns…


Push for extension of local welfare assistance

October 29, 2020

Have you benefitted from support from local councils to help those struggling financially during the pandemic? The Trussell Trust have published a report making the case for extending…


Casey Stoner discusses his M.E. diagnosis and 'Help Cure ME'

October 22, 2020

“As much as it’s great for me to get these warm responses, I hope that other people out there in the world can get some support.” Two time Moto GP world champion Casey Stoner has…


​Join us for #DADvirtual on Sunday 25 October

October 19, 2020

To raise awareness of M.E. and the burden it places on the lives of over 250,000 people in the UK, Action for M.E. will be taking part in the Virtual Disabilities Awareness Day event…


Disability tax update

September 24, 2020

The Chancellor has announced that there will no longer be an Autumn Finance Statement, within which there had been proposals to introduce a new tax on online shopping. The proposed…


Useful resources following yesterday’s Covid-19 restrictions

September 23, 2020

With yesterday’s announcement about new UK restrictions relating to Covid-19, we know lots of you may be feeling concerned, let down and frustrated. While for many with M.E., lockdown…


Yahoo! News discusses M.E. and long-haul Covid similarities

August 24, 2020

“Doctors say feeling weak or foggy after normal tasks has become a distinct pattern among patients with long-lasting symptoms. It reminds them of another condition that's also still…


Social distancing badges available for mobile or print

August 20, 2020

Earlier this month, the UK government published optional badges that people can use to assist with maintaining social distancing from others. The badges can be used to show the carrier…


Sign our letter calling to halt the disability tax

August 13, 2020

Action for M.E. Chief Executive Sonya Chowdhury has written an open letter to the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, opposing plans for a new tax for online shopping.A new tax like this will…


Severe M.E. Day 2020: 'Dialogues for ME/CFS' video

August 08, 2020

“The pain levels were intense. The pain and paralysis were moving up his body, through his torso, into his neck and into his head. For him it was a very frightening experience and for…


M.E. book wins big at The People's Book Prize

July 28, 2020

Enormous congratulations to Jessica Taylor-Bearman for her recent success in winning the People’s Book Prize for non-fiction for her book ‘A Girl Behind Dark Glasses.’ ‘A Girl Behind…


Prudential RideLondon launch August fundraiser

July 27, 2020

What has wheels but no engine, and a big smile? A My Prudential RideLondon fundraiser for Action for M.E.! Following the cancellation of annual London cycling festival, Prudential…


See Scope's open letter to the PM

July 16, 2020

UK disabilities charity Scope have written an open letter to the Prime Minister, calling on him not to forget disability equality in the Government's recovery plan, through the pandemic…


CEO Sonya Chowdhury on the potential rise of M.E./CFS

July 02, 2020

Our CEO Sonya Chowdhury spoke on BBC Points West today about the potential rise in M.E./CFS following Coronavirus, and the number of people who are experiencing problematic or delayed…


"We can make DecodeME a success by working together."

June 25, 2020

Sonya Chowdhury, our Chief Executive, reflects on the years of dedication and collaboration by so many, that have led to this week's launch of


Action for M.E. CEO featured as a Lockdown Legend

June 12, 2020

Action for M.E. CEO Sonya Chowdhury has been featured by JustGiving as one of their Lockdown Legends due to her fundraising efforts with Curry for M.E.Within 24 hours of offering curry…


Carer’s plea to Make Caring Visible

June 11, 2020

Action for M.E. is paying tribute to the men, women and children who play a vital role in caring for a loved one.People like Clare Jewkes who juggles her full-time job in the NHS with…


Supporting our carers during Carers’ Week 2020

June 08, 2020

Action for M.E. is celebrating Carers’ Week 2020 (June 8-14) and paying tribute to the men, women and children who look after a loved one who is living with M.E.If you give assistance…


UPDATE on the campaign to #IncreaseDisabilityBenefits

June 03, 2020

Action for M.E. is calling for action to stop thousands of disabled people from missing out on an emergency out of work benefit top-up to help them through the Covid-19 crisis because…


Even though May is over, forget M.E. not

June 02, 2020

Anyone who has M.E. will know the illness isn’t just there for an awareness month, week or day, and we support people with M.E. to get their stories out there throughout the year.We…


M.E. Awareness Month: sharing stories with millions

May 29, 2020

To everyone who took the time and energy to share their story with us this M.E. Awareness Month, allowing us to bring it to a wider audience on our social media channels, in newspapers,…


Making caring visible: sharing carer stories

May 28, 2020

We know from our Big Survey last year that most carers of people with M.E. are family members or close friends. A recent survey by Carers UK found that 70% of unpaid carers are providing…


Experts by experience: Daisy, Naomi and Simon

May 18, 2020

Living with M.E. can often force people to become experts at self-care, careful planning, energy-management, learning to say no, living with uncertainty, coping with isolation… the…


Sue's M.E. story: "It was like losing my identity"

May 13, 2020

Sue Hardy was working as a nurse when she began struggling with her health. After gallbladder surgery that she believes "was the final nail in the coffin." Sue was diagnosed with M.E."There…


11 to 17 May is M.E. Awareness Week

May 11, 2020

This week is M.E. Awareness Week.We are sharing stories of people with M.E. each day, like this one from a supporter in the North West:“This is a serious and long-term illness that…


Countess of Mar retires: share your message of thanks

May 04, 2020

Action for M.E. would like to extend our sincere and grateful thanks to the Countess of Mar, who has announced her retirement from the House of Lords following almost 45 years of service.Margaret,…


This M.E. Awareness Month, your story matters

April 30, 2020

M.E. Awareness Month is almost upon us, with M.E. Awareness Day on Tuesday 12 May - and it's going to be an M.E. Awareness Month quite unlike any other.While the world has changed in…


Action on urgent need for priority shopping

March 27, 2020

Action for M.E. has joined with other others to highlight the immediate challenge faced by people with M.E. in accessing food and essential supplies, and ask for immediate action.Signed…