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We're calling on the UK Government to 'Act for ME'

We're calling on the UK Government to 'Act for ME'

September 16, 2024

With the recent changes in Government, we have reviewed and updated our ‘Manifesto for ME’- now ‘Act for ME’.

We have shared the updated document with all MPs, asking them to pledge support for our three key calls:

  1. Launch and full implementation of the Government’s Delivery Plan: Following multiple delays, we are calling for its immediate release and for its recommendations to be enacted in full.
  2. Equitable research funding: Funding must be proportionate to the prevalence of post-viral diseases.
  3. Amend the Severe Disability Group criteria: Given the lack of specialist ME clinicians across the country, the Severe Disability Group criteria must be amended to ensure that people with ME can access the care and support they need and deserve.

We have also produced a template letter which you can send to your local MP, asking for their support in ensuring that the Government works to achieve each of our calls, alongside meeting with us to discuss how they can support people affected by ME further within Parliament.

The letter gives you space to provide your own personal experience of ME, and we encourage you to make your letter as personal as you feel comfortable doing.

If you’re unsure who your local MP is, you can use the search tool on the website.