Genetics Centre of Excellence Webinar
October 04, 2024
On 24 October, from 2 to 3 pm, Action for ME are hosting a webinar about the recent activities of the Genetics Centre of Excellence.
The event will feature:
- An update from Sonya Chowdhury (Action for ME) on the Centre’s main activities since its launch, including grant applications and new partnerships.
- Information from Prof. Chris Ponting (University of Edinburgh) about a recent Medical Research Council (MRC) grant application for a ME genetic research partnership, and his vision for what the Genetics Centre of Excellence hopes to achieve.
- A presentation by Prof. Simon Carding (Norwich Medical School) on the research and partnerships happening at Norwich, and his ambitions for ME research.
- A presentation by Audrey Ryback (Research Fellow, affiliated with Genetics Centre of Excellence) about her research on biomarkers for ME. Since October 2023, Audrey has been working under Prof. Chris Ponting as part of the first Clare Francis Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded by Action for ME.
- A 30-minute Q&A session, where attendees can ask questions to the panellists and other Genetics Centre of Excellence partners (Hayley Arron – PhD Candidate, Stellenbosch University, Kelly McLellan (lived experience representative), and Helen Baxter (lived experience representative) about the future direction of ME genetic research.
How to register
To register, please click here.
If you would like to submit a question in advance, please email research@actionforme.org.uk.
What if I can't attend?
Don't worry if you're unable to join us on the day, we'll be sharing presentations and a recording of the webinar once it's finished.
What is the Genetics Centre of Excellence?
The Genetics Centre of Excellence is a virtual network of ME researchers, set up and coordinated by Action for ME, who, with the ME community, work together to drive ME genetic research forward, and build on the genetic insights gained through DecodeME and other studies.