Honouring the life and work of Graham McPhee
October 07, 2021
We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Graham McPhee, citizen scientist and champion for people with M.E./CFS.
A former maths teacher, Graham took a forensic approach to re-considering the findings of the PACE trial, and highlighting serious concerns regarding its methodology, and the reliability of its results regarding graded exercise therapy (GET) and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). He also shared advice and feedback with the team who produced the Dialogues for a neglected illness film project.
Publishing a paper in the Journal of Health Psychology on objective assessments for CBT in CFS, Graham wrote: "Virtually, all studies that claim that CBT is effective rely entirely upon subjective assessment. Any genuine improvement must be reflected in such reported levels of fatigue or of physical activity, but, as a patient from a mathematical background with CFS/ME, I want to know that a treatment will improve my day-to-day living and enable me to take a more active part in life."
You can watch the films Graham made explaining his findings about the PACE trial on his ME Analysis YouTube channel, and read his insightful critique of published research on his blog.
Our staff and Trustees send sincere condolences to all who knew and loved Graham.