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New online learning for GPs on severe ME

August 08, 2024

Action for M.E. is inviting GPs and other health professionals to test their clinical knowledge of severe ME via a new resource on the Learna website, produced by Dr Nina Muirhead.

This new question of the day resource compliments Dr Muirhead’s existing CPD-accredited module on diagnosing and managing ME, accompanied by our series of Learn about ME podcasts.

It features five multiple-choice questions about Alex, a 13 year old boy who develops severe ME. Based on the 2021 NICE guideline for ME, each question is accompanied by detailed explanations and links to further reading, providing an opportunity to enhance clinical management skills for severe ME. Health professionals will receive a 0.5-hour CPD certificate on successful completion. Learna says:

“As healthcare professionals, deepening our understanding of this complex illness is crucial, so we can more effectively support the well-being of our patients who face this challenging condition.”

The new resource will be online from today for several weeks.

As part of our Learn about ME project, funded by the Scottish Government, we are working with Learna, Dr Muirhead, ME Association and #MEAction Scotland to promote these resources directly to healthcare professionals. You can also use our template letter to highlight the Learna module and 2021 NICE guideline for ME to your GP.