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Teachers want to know how to support pupils

November 08, 2021

The Teachers Educational Supplement (TES) are the leading outlet for providing content, support, and resources for teachers throughout the United Kingdom at the start of their career, in the middle and at the end of their careers.

The publication was keen to share how teachers can better support students living with chronic illnesses.

Abigail Howe, freelance journalist for the Teachers Educational Supplement was ken to share our information and resources on Independent Health Care Plan’s (ICHP) needs and adjustments that teachers could put in place to support their students living with chronic conditions like M.E. In the article, Abigail revealed that up to 100,000 children and young people are living with a chronic medical condition so the need for teachers to understand the impact of these conditions is imperative.

To read and share the article with your network, you can visit here