UPDATE on the campaign to #IncreaseDisabilityBenefits
June 03, 2020
Action for M.E. is calling for action to stop thousands of disabled people from missing out on an emergency out of work benefit top-up to help them through the Covid-19 crisis because the Government says it will take too long to make changes.
The Disability Benefits Consortium (DBC), a network of over 100 organisaions, has been told the reason people on all legacy benefits have not received the same £20 uplift as those claiming Universal Credit is because it is “too complicated” for the Government computer system.
This has meant for 60 days thousands of people living with a disability or with long-term health conditions – who tend to have lower incomes and higher costs than the general population – have missed out on financial help during the pandemic. This is particularly concerning as we have heard from many people with M.E. who have found their shopping bills increase due to not being able to access some supermarket essentials.
We will be joining with other members of the DBC and disabled people from across the country at 3pm to tweet Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak asking him to #IncreaseDisabilityBenefits.
Our Crisis, Support and Advocacy Service have been helping people by providing essential assistance during this difficult time. If there is anything we can help you with then please do not hesitate to call us on 0117 927 9551 or at questions@actionforme.org.uk.