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Herald article warns of M.E. risks

March 09, 2021

An article in the Herald Scotland has warned of the risk of a ‘tidal wave of post-pandemic M.E’.

The piece highlights how previous mistakes made with M.E. are now being repeated with those who have long Covid, with people being pushed to exercise, increasing the risk of a surge in M.E. cases due to the post-viral nature of M.E.

Our CEO Sonya, states in the article: "We cannot repeat the mistakes that were made with M.E and other post-viral conditions."

The article also features Janet Sylvester of #MEAction Scotland, who shares her daughter Emma's story about being advised to do exercise:

"She walked into those appointments and, after trying to do graded exercise therapy, she was in a wheelchair... people with long Covid need to be told to rest and not to push through."

The full article is available to subscribing members of the Herald on their website.