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Self Management Week: sharing our resources

September 18, 2023

Self Management Week 18 – 21 September 2023 #ISelfManage

We are supporting the Health and Social Care Alliance’s Self Management Week through highlighting resources we offer that people can use to support self management.

We also support the other aspect of self management, informing healthcare professionals on the best way to support someone with M.E. Self management is not about going it alone but working in partnership.

Self Management Week raises awareness of the importance of self management in all of our lives and provides an opportunity to share learning.

You can find some of our valuable resources below:

  • Our Pacing booklet: this outlines one of the main strategies for managing the symptoms of M.E., pacing.
  • Our Taming the Gorilla booklet: this is packed with self management tips based on people’s experiences.
  • Our M.E. patient passport: this can be completed and shared with your healthcare professional.
  • Our This is M.E. resource: this can help professionals around you better understand the impact of M.E.
  • Dr Nina Muirhead’s CPD module and accompanying podcasts developed as part of our joint Learn about M.E. project: we have produced a template letter that people with M.E. can use to encourage their GP, therapist or other health professional to take the learning module which, along with the podcast series, is now available FREE for any healthcare professional.

Access more of our helpful resources here or by calling 0117 927 9551 or by emailing us at