Useful resources

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InterAction, our magazine for Supporting Members, is packed full of news, research and features on living with M.E. It also includes letters, notices and stories from people with M.E.

Aiming to encourage, support and inform our members, InterAction is published in April, August and November.

Our brilliant volunteers write content, proofread the pages to make sure everything is accurate and easy to understand, and record articles for our Soundcloud channel.

You can listen to issue 118,our Winter 2024 issue, here.

You can read selected articles below – or why not join us to receive your copy three times a year?

Stronger together

From InterAction 110, published Spring 2022Action for M.E. has now merged with the ME Trust and is offering Healthcare Services including access to a doctor, physiotherapist, counsellor…

The bright side of having a chronic illness

From InterAction 109, published Christmas 2021The bright side of having a chronic illnessSwap my life with a healthy person’s? Not a chance, says Ellie Finney.Towards the end of Netflix…

Managing your illness

From InterAction 108, published Autumn 2021It can often be difficult to remain optimistic when you are living with the debilitating effects of M.E. but many people do find ways of effectively…

New beginnings

From InterAction 107, published spring 2021Pregnancy can be a minefield, particularly if you have M.E./CFS. Dr Katrina Pears tells us how she navigated her journey whilst living with…

2020 – a year to forget?

From InterAction 106, published December 2020Glad to see the back of 2020? We asked nine people whose lives have been touched by M.E. to give their reflections on the past year and…

Low dose naltrexone

From InterAction 105, published September 2020 Retired GP Dr Monica Bolton shares her experience of low dose naltrexone (LDN), and reviews the evidence, having recently returned to…

Learning online

From InterAction 104, spring 2020Could an online school help young people with M.E. access education in a way that works for them? Theresa Burns, our Project Coordinator for Scotland,…