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Young carers

Young carers

A young carer is a child or young person up to 19 years old who is caring for a family member.

Our 2014 M.E. Time to deliver survey found that 1% of family carers were aged between 11 and 17, while 6% were aged 18 to 29. However, very little is known about children and young people who, while they may not be named specifically as a carer, nevertheless take on a caring role in families where one of their parents or siblings have M.E.

If you are a young carer, there are services in your area for young people who care for a family member. You can find out more about these services and who you'd need to speak to via the Carers Trust website. Services vary from area to area but the sort of thing on offer might include:

  • the chance to spend time with other young carers
  • helping you and your family access services near your home
  • providing advice and emotional support through counselling and drop-in sessions
  • working with your school so that teachers understand your situation
  • offering you the chance to take a break from caring

Our free digital booklet Are you a young carer for someone with M.E.? offers further information that you may find useful.