Join our Housing in England webinar
June 28, 2022
You are invited to join us for a Self-Advocacy webinar via Zoom live on Tuesday 26 July 12:30 pm-2:30 pm hosted by our friendly Advocacy team.
The webinar will be centred around Housing in England for Adults with M.E. and will give an overview of some common housing-related queries we encounter in our advocacy service here at Action for M.E. It will also provide some practical tools to develop self-advocacy skills.
- When? 12.30pm to 2.30pm on Tuesday 26 July 2022.
- Where? Online via Zoom: register your free place today.
- Who can take part? Any adult with M.E. or people who support them can attend.
- What will it involve? The webinar will cover general issues related to housing such as practical difficulties people with M.E. can encounter with housing, neighbour disputes, and home adaptations. We will also discuss in more detail how to navigate different housing options: social housing, the private rental market, and other possibilities that may be suitable, e.g., assisted living.
There will be two breaks during the webinar. Only the cameras of the facilitators will be on.
Our presentation will be recorded with the aim of distributing the presentation to those who registered but were unable to attend the live workshop. We strongly recommend registering with the email you would like the recording and webinar access link to be sent to. At this point, you will also be asked for permission in line with GDPR. Once you receive the recording, you will be asked whether you'd like us to keep your contact details to inform you of other upcoming webinars, workshops and events we host that may be of interest to you or someone you might know! If you do not register with an email, we will be unable to send this useful information.
If you have questions about the upcoming workshop, please direct these to our Advocacy team via this email or by telephone on 0117 927 9551.