Michael: "Mentor M.E. meant I was less isolated."
January 28, 2020
Michael has M.E. and lives in Stirling, Scotland.
“Before, I found it difficult to accept my illness. Other people didn’t believe I was ill, as I looked OK to them. This made me not accept it, so I pushed myself and made myself more ill.”
People like Michael experience ignorance and disbelief on a daily basis. He found understanding and support with our peer-mentoring project, Mentor M.E.
Our peer mentors support the mentees they're carefully matched with to improve their self management skills, and reduce the isolation experienced by so many people with M.E.
Michael told us that his mentor really made a difference:
“For me it meant I was less isolated. We exchanged coping skills and I felt that I had a kindred spirit alongside me.”
Could you change someone’s life by becoming a volunteer peer mentor? If you are aged 18 or over, live in Scotland, and live with M.E. - or care for someone that does - we’d love to hear from you.
Mentoring can be done from home, and online training starts in February. We are happy to answer any questions and/or register you by phone, if completing forms is difficult for you. Contact our Project Officer Avril by email or call her on 07753 247099 (Avril works part-time so please leave a message if she is not immediately available).