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Social distancing badges available for mobile or print

August 20, 2020

Earlier this month, the UK government published optional badges that people can use to assist with maintaining social distancing from others. The badges can be used to show the carrier may have difficulties or concerns in maintaining social distancing.

There are currently three different options for people to use:

  • a two-paged mobile phone option that reads “Please give me space. Be kind. Thank you for your understanding.”
  • a single-page badge to print that reads “Please give me space.”
  • a two-page card to print that reads “Please give me space” on one side, with “Be kind. Thank you for your understanding” on the other side.

With lockdown measures continuing to ease in many parts of the UK, these badges may increase the likelihood of others observing proper social distancing, as well as potentially helping to alleviate some anxieties that the carrier may have. If these badges are of interest to you, you can visit the page on the website where all three documents are available to download for free.